Sour Grapes:
Then in September of 1975 I heard the talk from brother Franz where he started to do some back peddlng stating that if Eve was created three months after Adam's creation then that would push Armegeddon into 1976. If Eve was created a year after Adam's creation then the thousand year of rule of Jesus would be a year after Adam's creation. When he stated we don't know when Eve was created, I knew that we have been duped again. I fell for it even though I knew of the WTBTS many failed prophecies.
Actually, the "Adam and Eve gap" as it was known back then predated the year 1975. I remember going to Franz's talk in 1974 and hearing him describe the 'gap' by saying it could be months or years but not decades. The absurd (what isn't?) reason for this was that if Adam were to be left without a wife for decades then he could be tempted into bestiality.
"Will Jehovah allow Adam to be tempted into bestiality?" said Franz.
"No brothers and sisters." was his response to his own question.